Child Protection and Education

SWV recognize that if children are effectively protected against abuses and exploitation through a broad range of formal and informal protection mechanism at all levels then their prospects of growing into healthy, happy and proactive individuals is increased. SWV has created awareness on child rights and importance of education through seminars to boost the society knowledge on the Importance of education and protection of children’s right, worked towards strengthening child protection and mapping of the relevant child protection actors and their initiatives.

SWV will adopt approaches that prevent and respond to violence against girls and boys especially those who are separated from their families, sexually assaulted, subject to early marriage/FGM. The organization will ensure decisions, policies and processes that must involve children through child participation. SWV’s Child Protection work is guided by the international instrument such as the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) and The African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (ACRWC), Policy and legal frameworks within the child protection sector. Key focus areas include: Child Marriage, FGM, Child Trafficking, and Child Labour, Commercial sexual exploitation of Children, Education and general child protection in emergencies.

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